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1951 Ford Victoria Yellow and Sandpiper Tan top

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Stock '51 Ford did not have a yellow car. But this would have been nice if it was so.
It appears to be all stock except for the color. right down to the single exhaust.
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  1. Kroswind5:50
  2. malcolmm1816:22
  3. farout6:23
  4. wobby6:42
  5. haas906:53
  6. opallia7:34
  7. fatcatkbr8:23
  8. Anniekay8:46
  9. okie44watt8:49
  10. dbuchanan8:55


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Well Vince Ford did make this color combo. Both this way and reversed.
Well it might be off a little.. The Ford offering was Hawaiian Bronze Metallic and Sandpiper tan top, and then also in the reverse.. if this is supposed to be the reverse,, then they may have got a little off. ,,, No yellow, but Sandpiper Tan yes. and the Bronze probably should have been a little darker?? Maybe the picture may be on the light side.

Looks good. You say Ford did not make this color combo?


LOL, My husband tells me that I only have the necessary stuff too, but he has to have that opinion I guess


Yes Char, I was trying to stay away from that. ha ha.
Everything in my trunk is necessary at some point in time.


WOW, you do carry a lot of extra weight in your trunk
Just to let you know when girl say she his junk in her trunk or a big trunk it means she has chubby Butt :)


thanks Char,
I carry a good size tool box full of tools, a spare starter, a spare tire, 2 jacks, and battery in my trunk, along with at least a couple chairs (usually 4), a furniture moving blanket, a 2 gal gas can, spare can of oil, a gallon of coolant, a bucket full of cleaning and polishing stuff, a stack of rags, and some display posters with a tripod, all in my trunk. It also gives a little lower stance in the rear, and better traction to the rear wheels. So, the trunk is big enough for all the essentials, but no room left for any bodies.


Great puzzle
I think that trunk is bigger then mine :)


Thanks Phil. I do like it too. I just have trouble trying to find what to file it under. ???
I just wish Ford would have offered the color too, now that I see it.
Closest that I can imagine would be the one that had the Sandpiper Tan top also had the Hawaiian Bronze bottom.... but this Light Yellow is an excellent change. Maybe I should do the one I have like that???? Now you got me pondering again.

Another classic. Great looking car. I do like the color combination. Thanks Pat.

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