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`36 Hudson Terraplane

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  1. goodallman9:35
  2. Kroswind11:28
  3. msbonne11:45
  4. bulldog131312:18
  5. wobby12:46
  6. mickb12:52
  7. malcolmm18114:39
  8. dabear14:51
  9. murrcar16:17
  10. Tomknut16:57


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Yeah, and didn't they also have that little vacuum shift selector, like Cord and Tucker?

The Hudson Terraplane was a fantastic vehicle, it was a little higher geared than most of that era, thus it had a much greater top speed, but not so much off of the line. Famous for its suicide doors, but easier to get in & out of. I owned a 1936 model, & wish I had it now.


There was a time when cars were art.


Reminds me of the Chrysler Airflow. Love the color too.


Nice car design, Nice color, and all four doors open suicide. Streamlined looking grill.

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