WebMail FAQ

The WebMail interface allows you to send and receive your messages directly from the web. (click here for view) You will be asked to enter your user name and passcode again to use this feature. Once you do so, your message list will be displayed on screen.

You can access Webmail directly from your browser, without loggin in to the SecureNym site. Simply go to https://www.securenym.net/mail and login.

To view the contents of a message, simply click on the subject of the message. If you use PGP encryption, you will have to highlite the message body, including all PGP headers, and copy, using Crtl + C on your keyboard, or the 'Edit' functions on your browser. This will place the message on your clipboard.

To decrypt, open PGP tools and select 'Decrypt and Verify'. You should click on clipboard and, when asked, enter your PGP passcode. The clipboard will appear, and your message will be decrypted.

If you want to print the document, just use your browser's 'Print' function and it will print the message.

You can reply to a message by using the 'Reply' button. You can switch to the compose function at any time by clicking on 'Compose' on the left menu bar.

TIP: The default setting for your nickname in Webmail is "pop user". You can change this to anything you wish by selection "Options" and "Personal Information" from the Webmail page.

TIP: You can copy and paste between any screens by using the Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V keys, or by using the 'Edit' functions in your browser.

TIP: You do NOT have to go to the main SecureNym site to use SecureNym Webmail. You can bookmark the Webmail Login page for direct access. Bookmark https://www.securenym.net/mail