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How to Scan a QR Code on WhatsApp

This wikiHow teaches you how to log into the WhatsApp Web or WhatsApp Desktop application by scanning the login code with WhatsApp on your phone. Keep in mind that you cannot use the WhatsApp QR code scanner to scan QR codes outside of the ones used to log into WhatsApp on desktop, though you can always use your smartphone to scan other QR codes.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

On iPhone

  1. Go to https://web.whatsapp.com/ in your web browser. As long as you aren't already logged into WhatsApp here, you'll see a square, black-and-white QR code in the middle of the page.
    • If you're attempting to log into the desktop version of WhatsApp, open the desktop program instead. The QR code will be in the middle of the program's window.
  2. Tap the WhatsApp app icon, which resembles a white phone inside of a white speech bubble icon on a green background.
    • If you aren't logged into WhatsApp on this phone, you'll need to enter your phone number and verify it when prompted before proceeding.
  3. This gear-shaped icon is in the bottom-right corner of the screen. Doing so opens the Settings page.
    • If WhatsApp opens to a conversation, first tap the "Back" button in the top-left corner of the screen.
  4. It's near the top of the screen.
  5. Doing so will open the WhatsApp QR scanner.
    • If you're logged into WhatsApp Web or Desktop on any other computer, you must first tap Scan QR Code in the middle of the page.
  6. Your phone should be around a foot away from your computer screen when you do this.
  7. Once the code scans, the WhatsApp Web web page will refresh, and you'll see your messages and conversations appear.
Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

On Android

  1. Go to https://web.whatsapp.com/ in your web browser. As long as you aren't already logged into WhatsApp here, you'll see a square, black-and-white QR code in the middle of the page.
    • If you're attempting to log into the desktop version of WhatsApp, open the desktop program instead. The QR code will be in the middle of the program's window.
  2. Tap the WhatsApp app icon, which resembles a green-and-white speech bubble with a white phone receiver in it.
    • If you aren't logged into WhatsApp on this phone, you'll need to enter your phone number and verify it when prompted before proceeding.
  3. It's in the top-right corner of the screen. A drop-down menu will appear.
    • If WhatsApp opens to a chat, first tap the "Back" button to go back to the main WhatsApp page.
  4. This option is in the drop-down menu. Doing so opens the WhatsApp QR scanner page.
  5. The QR scanner will open.
    • If you're logged into WhatsApp Web or Desktop on any other computer, you must first tap in the top-right corner of the screen.
  6. Your phone should be around a foot away from your computer screen when you do this.
  7. Once the code scans, the WhatsApp Web web page will refresh, and you'll see your messages and conversations appear.

Community Q&A

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  • Question
    How do I know what's a QR code?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    It is a very distinct patterned square; do a Google Image Search on the term to see some examples.
  • Question
    If someone scans the code to view my messages, how do I sign out of their computer remotely?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    If you go into the WhatsApp web version settings page (WhatsApp → Settings → WhatsApp Web/Desktop on iPhone, WhatsApp → three-dot menu button → WhatsApp Web on Android) and tap "Log me out of all computers", that should do the trick.
  • Question
    How do I come to know if someone else is spying on my messages?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    If a professional is spying on your messages, you won't know.
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  • If you wait too long to scan the QR code, it will expire. Simply click Refresh Code in the green circle that's in the middle of the code box to refresh it.
  • You can log out any computer on which you're signed into your WhatsApp account by opening the WhatsApp Web/Desktop section of WhatsApp and then tapping Log out from all computers.


  • Don't forget to close the WhatsApp web version after you're done using it—especially if you're on a shared computer—or others may be able to read your messages.


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About this article

Jack Lloyd
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wikiHow Technology Writer
This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Jack Lloyd. Jack Lloyd is a Technology Writer and Editor for wikiHow. He has over two years of experience writing and editing technology-related articles. He is technology enthusiast and an English teacher. This article has been viewed 308,399 times.
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Co-authors: 9
Updated: June 25, 2019
Views: 308,399
Article SummaryX

To scan a QR code with WhatsApp on an Android phone, start by opening the WhatsApp Web website on your computer’s web browser, which will display a QR code. Then, open WhatsApp on your phone. Tap the 3 vertical dots to open the drop-down menu and select “WhatsApp Web.” Once your QR scanner opens, point your phone’s camera at the QR code on your web browser. If you’re struggling to align the code, try holding your phone about a foot away from your computer screen. When the code scans, WhatsApp Web will refresh and your messages and conversations will appear on the screen. For more tips, including how to scan a QR code with WhatsApp on your iPhone, read on!

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