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Administration > System Settings

Use the Administration > System Settings page for the following tasks:

  • Setting the email addresses to which reports are sent or the alias from which the reports are sent, using the Email Notification section
  • Setting a search URL different from the default, using the Default Search URL section
  • Enabling daily status email, using the Daily Status Report section

This page contains information on the following topics:

Configuring Email Notifications

Use this section to set the email addresses to which different types of reports are sent or the alias from which the reports are sent. To use these features, you must have an SMTP server designated on the Administration > Network Settings page.

To configure email notifications:

  1. On the Admin Console, navigate to Administration > System Settings.
  2. To send automatic reports from the search appliance, enter a comma-separated list of the email addresses in the Send automatic reports to field.
  3. To include daily status reports in the automatic reports, check the Enable Daily Status Email Messages check box at the bottom of the page.
  4. To send problem reports from the search appliance, enter a comma-separated list of the email addresses in the Send problem reports to field. The problem reports include notifications of hardware failures on the search appliance.
  5. To include a standard email header in all emails generated by the search appliance, enter the header text in the Email header box.
  6. To include a standard email footer in all emails generated by the search appliance, enter the footer text in the Email footer box.
  7. Click Save.

Changing the Sender of Outgoing Emails

The default sender of outgoing emails is nobody@localhost.

To change the email address that is visible to recipients of alerts, automatic reports, and problem reports, enter an email address in the Sender of outgoing emails field, then click Save.

Changing the Default Search URL

Use the Default Search URL field to define the URL of the web page that end users access to perform a search of content indexed by the search appliance.

If you do not enter a default search URL in the field, the user is redirected to the search field on the search appliance's default collection, using the default front end.

If you delete the default_collection or the default_frontend and do not define a default search URL on this page, users see errors when they try to perform searchs. For example, if your appliance is named, then navigating to displays the default page URL. Be sure to test the URL you enter to ensure that your users are redirected to the page you expect.

After you type the new search page URL and click Save, it takes about 10 minutes before the search appliance displays the new default search URL.

Changing the Default Search URL to the Search URL for a Particular Front End and Collection

You might want to redirect your users to a web page that contains a search box, whether it's a custom page you created or the search index provided directly from the search appliance. To redirect your users to an existing collection, provide the URL of the collection's Search Index.

The collection's Search Index URL is in the following format, where search-appliance-name is replaced with the name or IP address of your search appliance and the URL is on a single line without spaces or breaks:

http://search-appliance-name/search?site=my_collection&client=my_frontend&output =xml_no_dtd&proxystylesheet=my_frontend&proxycustom=<HOME/>&ie=&oe=&lr=

To obtain the URL of a collection's search index:

  1. In the Admin Console, click the Test Center link.
  2. Select the Front End name and the Collection name.
  3. Display the URL for the combination front end and collection you selected.
    • In Internet Explorer 6.0, right-click the search box frame and select Properties.
    • In Netscape, Firefox, and Mozilla, right-click on the IFrame and select This Frame > Open Frame in New Window.
  4. Highlight and copy the URL that is displayed in the browser's address bar.
  5. Close the Test Center browser window.
  6. In the Admin Console, click Administration > System Settings.
  7. Paste the URL in the Default Search URL field.
  8. Click Save.

Configuring Cookie Attributes

Cookie Domain

By default, the search appliance sets cookies without a domain attribute. A browser's policy determines how it handles cookies without a domain, but most browsers limit the cookie to only the hostname from which the cookie was set.

You can configure a cookie domain. By configuring the cookie domain, you can enable a cookie to be sent to more than one search appliance in the configured cookie domain, such as in GSAn and Unification configurations. The cookie from one search appliance can be sent by the user's browser to another search appliance when the user switches search appliances.

Google recommends configuring the cookie domain as strictly as possible to avoid sending cookies to other machines in the domain. For example, enter a cookie domain that only matches the search appliances in the configuration. So, instead of configuring as the cookie domain, configure it as

To configure a cookie domain:

  1. On the Admin Console, navigate to Administration > System Settings.
  2. Under Cookie Domain, enter a domain name.
  3. Click Save.

HttpOnly Flag

You can set the HttpOnly cookie flag of the cookie set by the search appliance (disabled by default).

If the HttpOnly flag is included, the cookie cannot be accessed through client side scripts (if the browser supports this flag). As a result, even if a cross-site scripting (XSS) flaw exists, and a user accidentally accesses a link that exploits this flaw, the browser will not reveal the cookie to a third party.

Disabling HTTP Admin Console Access

If you do not trust your intranet, you may wish to disable HTTP-based access to the Admin Console. Removing the check from this box allows only HTTPS (SSL encrypted) access, on port 8443 (rather than the standard port 8000).

Take note that if your current session is un-encrypted and you uncheck this box, your connection may appear to freeze when you click Save. This is because port 8000 will become blocked for new connections. Whether continued use of your session on port 8000 creates a new connection or continues an existing one is browser and configuration dependent. To confirm that port 8000 is blocked, close your browser and re-open it. To continue administering the appliance, change the port number in your browser's web-address line from 8000 to 8443, and your web-address to start with https:// rather than http://. You will have to log-in again to continue.

Receiving a Daily Status Report

To have a daily status report sent to the email address entered in the Email Notification text box, check Enable Daily Status Email Messages. The messages you receive are similar to this:

    Date: Tues, 4 Nov 2008 00:00:08 -0700
    From: nobody@localhost
    Subject: appliance-ID: NOTIFICATION: System ***status report at 2008-11-04 00:00:07:

    System Status: OK
    Machines Status: OK.
    Disks Status: OK.
    Temperatures Status: OK.

    Crawl Summary:
    Documents crawled since yesterday: 1244.0
    Documents error since yesterday: 0.0

You see messages similar to the following when serve-time authorization errors occur, and the error count includes non-200 OK/PERMITS responses during serving:

    Servers with Authz Failures: since yesterday 560 1124
     [This message was generated automatically @2008/11/04 00:00:08 from Hostname]

Other reported authorization-related counts are:

    Connectors with Authz Failures:
    SAML Servers with Authz Failures (batch mode):

If your search appliance license limit has been reached, the daily status report includes this information, as shown in the following example:

    The license limit has been reached.
    URLs being served: 800
    URLs not being served: 41988

The number of search requests served in the previous 24 hours is also included in the daily status message. If 1% or more of search requests fail, the message includes the percentage of failures:

    Percent of search requests failed in last 24 Hours: 2

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